Strengthening Body Image and Self-Esteem

264056435It hits you when you least expect it.

One moment, you’re going along, and then you have one little hiccup.

You misspoke in some way…

Your zipper was down as you walked into a meeting…

You looked in the mirror and thought you were bloated…

You didn’t get the grade you wanted on that test…

That’s all it takes to throw you into a full-scale dressing-down of everything wrong with you.

“Why did I do that? I’m so stupid!”

“Why am I so lazy??”

“I’m worthless… no wonder no one wants me.”

“I know I won’t get that job. I’m never good enough.”

No one else needs to criticize you because you’re doing a fantastic job yourself.

132742523When everything about you is a target…

It’s no wonder you’re your own worst critic.

Your weight, your arms, your legs, the shape of your nose, your hair…

Your personality, your work ethic, your habits…

Everything’s either too much or not enough.

You can’t satisfy your hunger for a better life with negative energy, but you don’t know what else to do.

428015158You can learn to quiet the voices.

At Nurtured Hope, we understand that those voices are different parts of you; parts that are overworked, overwhelmed and overtired.

Perhaps it was the absence of encouragement – a vacuum of acknowledgment that was filled with self-doubt and the inclination to tear yourself down.

They could be younger parts of you, maybe reflections of caregivers or teachers, trying to motivate you in the only way they know how….or parts that developed to protect you from disappointment or ridicule….but those voices can hurt.


1871351344Here’s what you’ll learn to do in therapy…

Accepting yourself for everything you are…

You’re exactly who you were meant to be, and somewhere inside you, when that inner critic is silent, you’re completely in tune with that. But that belittling voice can feel like it takes over at times and can block that ability to feel in sync.  We value every part of you and understand that all parts have a “job” in your system.  We can work with you to understand those “jobs” and also soften how loud these thoughts can become.

Silencing self-doubt and criticism…

We work with you on learning from experience without being self-critical. Through an objective and reframing lens, you can see an incident from another perspective and learn to rely on your senses for evidence; to recognize that the voice you’re hearing is not a part of your core self.  You can get to know these voices and begin to comprehend their origin stories.  Ultimately, encouraging them to communicate with you in less overwhelming ways.  We can actually change our relationship with these parts, once we begin to appreciate their roles within our system.

Loving yourself…

Self-love can sound cliché, but it resonates for so many with reason. To embrace yourself with curiosity and confidence, you must start with getting to know all of who you are.  Sometimes that inner self can feel like a stranger.  It can become default to connect with others through doubts, worry, and fear, rather than showing up as our authentic selves.  We empower you. We spark a curiosity to find that self that sometimes gets buried deep under so many emotions.  We give you the skills to lighten the voices, soothe the inner critic, and embrace yourself for who you really are.

Every part of you deserves to be seen in the light!

We grow in the darkness as well as the light.  Let us reclaim the ability to see what’s in the darkness so that we feel better abled to walk in the light.

Whether you’re struggling with bodily acceptance, impulses of self harm, or thoughts that don’t let you rest, we’re here to help.

Reach out to us today for a free consult to learn more about how we can serve you: (786) 401-5603.